Day 2. Couple hiccups
The nanowrimo website is extrordinarily slow. Too slow. Haven't been able to post or to connect with any writing buddies. I think I'll just be entering my word count for now because this whole business of trying to save text in MSWord then scrambling it and then trying to upload it is too time consuming and the website is too busy to accept it. Grrr. so much for building community for now. I'm hoping they'll get things sorted out quickly. Otherwise, without connections to other people who are doing the seems kinda like it's not really happening (insert lonely sound of single cricket here).
But I got over 3600 words done, and it is coming together. I already don't like the names I've picked, but I can always change those in the end.
Things to note:
-everything is better after coffee
-everything gets a little fuzzy after more coffee
-thank heavens my MacBook gets so hot after working on it for two hours because I get to have a break to get more coffee (plus it keeps my wrists nice and burnt, I mean toasty :)
But I got over 3600 words done, and it is coming together. I already don't like the names I've picked, but I can always change those in the end.
Things to note:
-everything is better after coffee
-everything gets a little fuzzy after more coffee
-thank heavens my MacBook gets so hot after working on it for two hours because I get to have a break to get more coffee (plus it keeps my wrists nice and burnt, I mean toasty :)
Put bread not wrists on the Mac. Feed your writing appetite by making toast to go with the cofee.
The only rule: writers write! Everything else is a guideline.
Easy Over, at 8:31 PM
Put bread not wrists on the Mac. Feed your writing appetite by making toast to go with the cofee.
The only rule: writers write! Everything else is a guideline.
Easy Over, at 8:32 PM
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