Live From T.O.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just about 24 hours to go.....

I've been to the website, and collected this very cool participant image. Let's see, I think that finishes off everything I need to begin this year's quest.

My pen (well, my laptop) is ready. My espresso maker is ready. My main characters have been flung together in as much conflict as I could think of (something involving a whole-wheat bagel, strawberry cream cheese, and a little tiny bag of cocaine....)

-to write 50,000+ excellent words of my novel during November
-to make sure my plot does NOT involve any mobsters or cemeteries
-and some other stuff I'm sure I'll think up later


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Clearing some cobwebs...

I'm getting my workspace ready for the big Nanowrimo push in just a couple weeks. The bulletin board has been decluttered of 2-for-1 coupons, organic chicken pamphlets, instructions on how to do a backup on a computer I got rid of 2 years ago, three old lottery tickets and a registered mail notice from the post office . Hmmm, will have to check on that one.

What got left up is a big picture of a shoe store on a narrow street in Florence, Italy, taken just at dusk on a cold December evening. That one is for inspiration. Ah. Italian leather. I've also pinned up my Hoops & Yoyo characters. Because they make me laugh out loud. There's my hairdresser's business card. And lots of empty space to fill up with notes and other bits'n'bobs while I marathon my way through Nanowrimo in November.

Onwards and upwards!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Nanowrimo 2007 is coming........

Whew! It's been a busy year of writing, living, drinking espresso, etc. But the time has come once again to take the dust covers off my Nanowrimo blog and crank 'er up to make sure everything is working in tip top shape. I'll be contributing to some of the WrimoRadio episodes this year and am already hard at work on my first piece. Tune in October 29th to hear the first episode dedicated to Inspiration.

Haven't actually picked a story to work on yet ! Better get hopping on that one soon.

Until next time.....may inspiration be your friend. And may the espresso maker never be dry....