Day 3 already?!
Time is flying too quickly. Didn't get nearly as much done as I'd planned, and I believe there's a crack or a tiny hole in my coffee cup because my espresso disappeared a little too quickly this morning. I know I didn't drink it that fast. Or at least I don't think I did...
Hi Gabriella!
I really enjoyed your piece in this week's NaNoRadio.
Particularly intriguing and strange were the ways you came up with to eat pringles and donuts without gettings your fingers dirty.
It made me wonder - Is there a way to eat cheese sandwiches without getting grease on my fingers?
Jules., at 1:47 PM
Cheese sandwich? Oh, that's an easy one. Just buy those mozzarella cheese sticks and pull them apart into shoe-lace sized strips. Take out a long wooden spoon. Now using the mozzarella shoestrings, tie the cheese sandwich to the spoon part of the wooden spoon. Enjoy! to make things even easier, instead of bread you can use a bagel. and tie the bagel to the wooden spoon. ;-)
Happy nano-ing!
Gabriella Papic, at 3:25 PM
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